"The Career Engineer," Randy Siegel helps clients electrify their careers and transform their lives by becoming high voltage communicators™. Through training, coaching, speaking, and writing, he encourages people to fearlessly stand in their power by becoming the full expression of all they are.

Randy has conducted hundreds of presentations, workshops, and coaching sessions for corporations, professional associations, nonprofit organizations, and marketing firms coast to coast. His areas of expertise include presentation and communications skills training, executive positioning, personal mission statement development, career transition, and interviewing techniques.

He also provides consulting services in marketing, internal communications, team building, and management.

Randy and his Dalmatian, Lucy, live in Asheville, North Carolina.

For more information, contact: Randy@PowerHouse Communications.com

18 Beaverbrook Road
Asheville, NC 28804
Phone: (828) 236-0045
Toll Free Phone: (888) 836-0045
Fax: (828) 350-9162


Postcard from Asheville, N.C.

Spring has sprung, and the mountains of North Carolina are glorious. The trees are budding, the flowers are blooming, and the weather is gradually turning warmer. Lots of new beginnings.

I hung my first major art show at an upscale hair salon in a trendy part of downtown Asheville earlier this month. Gosh, it's fun to see my work on display.

And the new PowerHouse Communications site is finally up! Check it out at http://www.powerhousecommunications.com and tell me what you think. On it you'll find new services and resources to help you go to the next level of your career.

Finally, don't forget PowerHouse Communications' free "TeleSalon" on Tuesday, April 25, from noon to 1:00 p.m., Eastern. The topic is "Are You Really Listening? Your Career Could Depend On It".

Space is limited, so please sign up by Friday, April 21. If you would like to join us, please e-mail me at randy@powerhousecommunications.com with your name, title, company name, and phone number. Once I receive your information, I'll forward instructions for the conference call.

Wishing you lots of new beginnings this spring! In this issue we'll explore The Changing Paradigm of Power.

The Changing Paradigm of Power

When I first renamed my business PowerHouse Communications, some balked. "Do you really want to evoke 'power' in your name?" One e-newsletter reader challenged, "Power has such a negative connotation."

"You bet I do," I responded. "Power only gets a bad rap when we base its definition on old thinking."

It's been said that there are two basic forces in life: the will to love and the will to power. Some believe the more you have of one, the less you have of the other. But I believe this is outdated thinking. Love and power are not mutually-exclusive; in fact, the more love you have, the more power you'll harness.

Real power comes from within, and it's composed of authenticity, passion, purpose, focus, and commitment. Real power is connection, and real connection is love.

There's a changing paradigm of power, and this new paradigm is not hierarchical, it's collaborative. It empowers, rather than overpowers. It connects, rather than ranks. We could say it's a more "feminine" interpretation of power.

A side-by-side comparison of the old and new paradigms of power best illustrates the shift:

Power Over (External Strength) Power Through (Internal Strength)
Manipulation Motivation
Ownership Partnership
Comparison Similarities
Competition Cooperation
Exclusive (Ranking) Inclusive (Listing)
Vertical Horizontal
Intimidation Initiation
Authority Authenticity
Doing Being
Having Giving
Win-Lose Win-Win

Already business is beginning to embrace this new more "feminine" paradigm of power. Smart companies know that in order to attract and retain the brightest employees in this highly competitive environment, they must operate from both the heart and head.

So despite a few naysayers, I continue to challenge clients to "Stand in your power!" Stand in your real power by becoming the full expression of all you are, and stand in your full power by coming from love.


Copyright Randy Siegel 2006. All rights reserved.