Randy Siegel builds the people who build organizations.

Organizations hire Randy to transform high-potential employees into a new generation of leaders. Randy gives them the leadership and communications skills they need to rise through the organization.

CEOs hire Randy to help them become more charismatic leaders, spokespeople, and ambassadors for the organizations they serve.

His work is based upon a proprietary process that facilitates self-discovery to clarify personal perspective, true purpose, and professional image.

For more information, contact: Randy@buildyourleaders.com

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Phone: 828.236.0045
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Postcard from Asheville, N.C.

If you’re like me, you wish there were more hours in the day. For most of us, time is our number one stressor.

After receiving my second speeding ticket in less than six weeks, I set a goal for 2007 to “befriend time.” Time had become my enemy; it seemed I was always at battle with it.

I read once that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Last month, I attended a wonderful seminar series with the Omega Institute in New York. The weekend featured an array of top-rated speakers including Caroline Myss, Debbie Ford, Andrew Harvey, and Al Gore. As good as all these people were, the most valuable session I attended was conducted by Stephen Rechtschaffen, a cofounder of Omega and author of Timeshifting: Creating More Time to Enjoy Your Life. During Rechtschaffen’s seminar, I had two revelations.

First, I realized my sense of self-worth is based upon doing, rather than being. “I am what I do.” Looking closer I uncovered a limiting belief: I am not worthy (or lovable) for who I am, only for what I do.

My second revelation was that my rushing around is a way to avoid being present. When I am present, I feel my feelings, and sometimes these feelings are not pleasant. When I am still, I can feel sadness, anger, even an overwhelming joy, and the intensity of these emotions makes me uncomfortable.

Awareness is the first step to change. I am now building two new beliefs: I am worthy and lovable as I am, and I can be with my emotions fully. I am improving my relationship with time.

An editor with SmartMoney.com recently called to interview me about a concept that I call “Sacred Time.” She was writing a piece on work-life balance for small business owners. Here’s what we discussed.

Sacred Time

If I asked you if you had enough time in your life chances are you’d say, “No way!” And perhaps you’d be right. Juliet Schor, author of The Overworked American and a Harvard economist, tells us that "the typical family puts in a thousand more hours a year today than they did twenty-five years ago."

When I “dreamsmith” with clients on how they can live happier and more meaningful lives, nine out of ten say they wish they had more time for themselves. When I ask them why they aren’t taking this time now, almost all say, “You’ve got to be kidding, where would I find the time?” But when we look objectively at their schedules, we find it.

One client found time to exercise and to spend one-on-one time with her husband by walking with him after dinner. Three times a week, they go to a track at the local high school close to their house. The kids ride their bikes while she and her husband walk and talk.

Another client pledged to spend more time with his sons. Saturday morning became his sacred time. “We build forts, play games, and explore the woods behind our home. I’m having a ball,” he said with enthusiasm. “I feel like a kid again.”

Mondays are my sacred time. I meet a small group of artists at the community college and paint for four hours. I block this time out on my calendar and schedule clients around it. I may have to work on the weekend to make up for it, but it’s worth it.

Sacred time offers many benefits:

One: Sacred time recharges the batteries. When I began working for Cohn & Wolfe public relations I was twenty-five. On my first day Norman Wolfe called me to his office. “I want my people working hard, but I don’t want them working weekends. Weekends are for recharging your creative batteries,” he said. It’s a lesson that stuck with me.

Two: Sacred time makes work and life more enjoyable. When I make time to do what I love to do, it reduces stress.

Three: Sacred time makes me a more interesting person, which in turn helps my business. For example, I linked my art website to my bio on my website, www.buildyourleaders.com. Many prospects comment on my art. It makes me more human and easier to connect with.

For some of us, making time for sacred time is tough. Here are several tips I share with clients:

One: Make sacred time a priority. It’s rare when a person comes to the end of his or her life and says, “I wish I had worked more.” Most regret not spending more time doing the things they love. Don’t wait for retirement; make time for the things you love now.

Two: If you get “the guilts” like me, schedule the time. Put it on the calendar in ink and schedule work commitments around it. It’s said that it takes thirty days to form a habit. Do whatever it takes the first month to carve out the time. It’ll get easier after that.

Three: Get out of the house if you work there. I created a studio in my house but found I couldn’t work there. When I did, I felt guilty. There was always something “more productive” that I could be doing. By painting at the community college, I get away from that distraction.

Four: Your sacred time is your time. This is not a time for “shoulds.” It is a time to slow down and PLAY, whatever that means to you. By taking time for yourself, you’ll be a better businessperson, parent and partner.

I believe the best sacred time is creative time. Having a creative outlet has helped me become a much more balanced person. So whether it is writing, painting, gardening, or cooking, I encourage clients to find a creative outlet.

I also encourage them to find an activity that is different from what they do in their work worlds. For example, I love to read nonfiction books: self-help, psychology, spirituality, philosophy, and business. On vacation, you’ll find me with a stack of books by the pool with highlighter in hand. I am in heaven. While this is enjoyable for me, it’s not a real break from work.

Five: Get support. Ask a good friend, your spouse, or hire a coach to hold you accountable for making sacred time. Ask him or her to check in on you weekly, especially in that first month.

Put these five suggestions to work and you will make time for sacred time. You’ll take back control of your life.

It took me fifty years to realize that my need to control my life led me to lose it. In order to make this crazy, busy world work for me, I had to decide what mattered to me most, what fed my soul, and devote time and energy to it.