Randy Siegel builds the people who build organizations. Organizations hire Randy to transform high-potential employees into a new generation of leaders. Randy gives them the leadership and communications skills they need to rise through the organization. CEOs hire Randy to help them become more charismatic leaders, spokespeople, and ambassadors for the organizations they serve. His work is based upon a proprietary process that facilitates self-discovery to clarify personal perspective, true purpose, and professional image. For more information, contact: Randy@buildyourleaders.com
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Postcard from Asheville, N.C. I am about to burst; I've got so much to tell you. After taking one of my workshops, many of you have asked, "What's next?" To meet your needs, I've developed a communications and leadership training track for my clients. Check it out under services on my revised website, http://www.buildyourleaders.com. My second book, PowerHouse Presenting: Become the Communicator You Were Born to Be, is finally finished! Purchase your copy through http://www.Amazon.com or http://www.Lulu.com. This October, I will release the second edition of High Voltage Communications, which will have a new title, Engineer Your Career: Building a Blueprint for Your Best Self. Again, it will be available through Amazon.com and Lulu.com. November 16 through 18, I will be offering a weekend retreat entitled Engineer Your Career in Asheville, North Carolina. I hope you'll consider it, but sign up soon as space is limited. Here's the information. Finally, my little experiment with renting an outside office failed - or did it? In less than a month, I realized that the key to separating work from home was more psychological than physical. I gave up the commute and monthly rent and adopted a more disciplined approach to leaving work behind and being more present at home. This month, we'll look at The Power of Letting Go. The Power of Letting Go I heard once that to become who we are we have to let go of who we are not. Like most clever sayings, this is easier said than done. Gabriel Marchel in his book Being and Having laments that our society teaches us how to hold onto and to possess, when it should be teaching us how to let go. We will never live richer, more authentic lives until we do, because most of us are stuck in old belief systems that seldom get us what we really want. Sometimes it's difficult to know when to let go. Lecturer, author, and counselor Penny Peirce suggests taking a closer look when we:
After seeing myself in more than several of Penny Peirce's guidelines, I listed those belief systems that no longer serve me. Within minutes my list had grown to ten. I then selected three "biggies" on which to focus my work: 1. "Doing is better than being." 2. "I am not enough." 3. "There is not enough." I was ready to begin letting go, and to do it I committed to a simple three-step process: 1. Recognize when I am reacting to outdated belief systems. Emotional warning signals include feeling anxious, afraid, indignant, rejected, sorry for myself, ashamed, worried, or confused. 2. Take a deep belly breath and gently observe what I am doing/feeling without judgment. "Whoops, there I go again." 3. Examine what has happened and tell myself the truth. For example, when I catch myself worrying about money ("there is not enough"), I remind myself that I have plenty of money on which to live, and besides, I can always make more. Author Ken Keyes feels we are unaware of most our outmoded beliefs. Limiting beliefs are like an iceberg, he writes. Ninety percent of the iceberg remains under the surface where we can't see it. When we do the inner work of letting go, we cut away at the visible 10 percent, and when that 10 percent is gone, another 10 percent pops right back up. Inner work is a lifelong pursuit, and lasting change rarely comes overnight. But over time and with awareness and attention, change does come. We let go of those belief systems that no longer serve us and begin living richer, more authentic lives. ### |