

Randy Siegel builds the people who build organizations.

Organizations hire Randy to transform high-potential employees into a new generation of leaders. Randy gives them the leadership and communications skills they need to rise through the organization.

CEOs hire Randy to help them become more charismatic leaders, spokespeople, and ambassadors for the organizations they serve.

His work is based upon a proprietary process that facilitates self-discovery to clarify personal perspective, true purpose, and professional image.

For more information, contact:

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Many of you know that I go on retreat at least twice a year. Getting away by myself allows me to regroup and reenergize. Last month, I visited a beach-side resort in Naples, Florida, for a long weekend. The weather was somewhat cloudy, but I still had a wonderful time. I took long walks, ate great food, read a trashy novel (I rarely read novels. Most of my reading is restricted to books on psychology, self-help, spirituality, and business.), and even managed a trip to an outlet mall. Best of all, I returned with pages of notes outlining new goals, strategies, and programs that I plan to implement in 2008. One of the many things I did while on retreat was to review the results of the eNewsletter and website survey.

Wow! Thanks to all of you who responded. The feedback was terrific!

Most of you like the eNewsletter as it is. Some feel, however, that I get too personal in this postcard at times. I value your honesty, and I'll be careful not to turn the dial up too high on self-disclosure in the future.

Most of the input on the website was complimentary. Many respondents said they find the resources section helpful, especially the articles. As a result, I have added more. Check them out.

I was surprised by the number of people who regularly read the thought of the week at the bottom of the home page. To make it easier to follow, I have added an RSS feed.

Finally, a good number of you wrote that you enjoy seeing what I am up to artistically. This week, I added some of my latest work to the art site. Take a look.

If you ever have a suggestion on how I can improve this eNewsletter, my site, or services, please write me. I value your feedback!

I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving. Please know how grateful I am for your friendship and support.

This month we'll look at The Power of Pursuing Your Passion.

The Power of Pursuing Your Passion

As much as I would like to be thought of as an insightful, inspirational guru (How about the "Oprah of the business world"?), I am anything but. If I am anything, I am a good permission-giver.

Increasingly I am learning that one of my primary functions as a communications and leadership coach is to give people permission to pursue their passion.

Just last month, I met with an amazing woman who was ready to take her life and career to the next level. Within fifteen minutes of our meeting, it was clear she already knew what she needed to do, and she knew where she wanted to do it.

When I asked her to describe her ideal job she was quick to answer, but when I asked her why she wasn't doing that job now, she hesitated for a moment. "I am not sure," she admitted. We spent the next hour outlining a ten-step action plan for moving her closer to her dream job. She left my office walking on air. She is now doing what she was meant to do.

This week, I received a lovely e-mail from a woman whom I met briefly years ago. She wrote, "You once gave me a few minutes of your time, and helped me realize that I could let go of an endeavor I was failing at miserably. You gave me permission to pursue and discover my passion, not just stick with a career choice because I had invested a lot of time and money in it. I will forever be grateful for those few minutes that you invested in me, Randy." I offered no great insight; I only challenged her to search for answers that already lay within her.

How about you? Are you pursuing your passion? Is your career in alignment with your calling?

Ask yourself these three questions:

  1. Does your work "juice" you? Do you feel positive energy and excitement around what you do?
  2. Does your work, or how you do it, benefit others?
  3. Does it maximize your primary strengths?

If you can answer "yes" to these questions, chances are you are fulfilling your mission. If not, the answers are inside you. Take time to uncover them by:

  1. Discovering who you are and what's truly important to you.
  2. Uncovering and claiming your unique strengths.
  3. Using those strengths to serve others.

You'll live a richer, more meaningful life when you live your life on purpose.


Copyright Randy Siegel 2007. All rights reserved.