Postcard from Asheville
March 2014
How To Stand In Your Power
It’s been said that we teach what we most need to know. For the past fourteen years, my work has been based on this mission: “Helping professionals stand in their power by becoming the full expression of all they are.” Power—more specifically standing in my power—has been a theme for my life.
Perhaps it’s because of the powerlessness I felt living with my father and two older brothers, or maybe it’s mother stuff. The source matters little. What does matter is that the theme of power has shaped my life and my life’s purpose.
I used to believe that power was external. To possess power meant powering over someone or something. As I’ve aged and hopefully matured, I’ve come to understand that real power is internal; it comes from within.
When aligned with my internal power, I am my best self and I live my best life. I am at peace. I am grounded in a strong sense of self regardless of the external circumstances of my life. I tap into my innate intelligence, my essence, or as my theologian friends may say, I become one with the God within.
My intention is to do the next right thing. I see a bigger picture, I work for the greater good of all, and when I am fully present to my internal power I truly understand what it means when we say, “We are all one.”
External power that is not grounded in internal power is a dangerous as live electrical wire jerking erratically as an angry serpent. It can hurt others; it can hurt us. My “New Age” friends would point out that this kind of power is based in fear while internal power is grounded in love.
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