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Forming Power Up Group in Asheville, NC

Want to take your career and life to a higher level? Then Randy Siegel's Power Up Group is for you.

Who Benefits

Power Up Groups appeal to professionals who want to:

  • Expand their reach to include regional, national, and/or international audiences.
  • Realign their product or service mix to be congruent with their personal purpose or mission.
  • Earn a targeted level of income.
  • Bring more balance to work and home.


Power Up Groups are designed to provide participants:

  1. Focus
  2. Accountability
  3. Support


Groups are limited to four participants, plus the facilitator. Participants are selected based upon compatibility with the other members.


  1. Meet with Randy to set an intention.
  2. Meet with group twice a month for two months:
    1. By phone for 60 minutes
    2. In-person at Randy's home for 90 minutes
  3. Follow this format:
    1. Begin each meeting with brief exercise or mediation.
    2. Sixty-Minute Meeting: Each member shares and receives feedback for ten minutes.
    3. Ninety-Minute Meeting: In addition to the sharing, we have an exercise. Exercises can include: writing your purpose/mission statement, defining core values, dealing with your inner critic, and overcoming limiting beliefs.

Members may also elect to:

  1. Set weekly goals in alignment with vision.
  2. Report back to accountability partner weekly.

Group Guidelines

  • Keep confidences.
  • Respect group.
    • Show up for meetings on time.
    • Follow time limit during sharing.

Commitment, Investment, and Terms

A two-month commitment is required. Participants may choose to continue their participation at the end of this time.

Your investment is $330 for two months, or $165 a month.

Full tuition, $330, is due upon sign-up. No refunds.

Next Steps or Questions

Please call Randy at 828-236-0045 or e-mail him.

If you live outside of Asheville and are interested in forming a Power Up Group in your area, please contact Randy.

About Randy Siegel

If you have a group of eight or more and would like to explore a customized retreat or workshop in your hometown or in Asheville, North Carolina, please contact me.